The ILLBuster experience represents a perfect example of a winning European collaboration around a burning issue: the Prevention of and Fight Against Crime. ILLBuster is a project funded by the European Commission (DG-HOME), which final results were presented during the ILLBuster Final Workshop and Networking Event (January 29, Cagliari, TISCALI Auditorium premises).
The event, to which participated about 150 attendees, has started with the welcome of the project partners (Tech and Law Center, NETCLEAN, NASK, University of Cagliari, University of Milano Bicocca, TISCALI, DBI) which briefly described their role in the project and the relevance of ILLBuster with respect to their core activities. During the “The ILLBuster Project Experience”, Fabio Roli and Giuseppe Vaciago presented the project, its outcomes, and the legal and technical lessons learned during the development of an integrated system for the semi-automatic discovery of illegal activities over the Internet (Phishing, Malware, CSAM and Fake Online Pharmacies) such as ILLBuster.
These talks have been followed by those given by Aldona Trela (Europol EC3), Roberto Baldoni (Director of the Italian National Cyber Security Lab), Raj Samani (Intel Security), and Marco Morana (Svp Citigroup), which provided a feeling of how the most relevant players (law enforcement agencies, the research community, financial institutions, and the private companies) are addressing the current cyber security and cyber intelligence issues.
During the event, the two Italian Law Enforcement involved in the project “Guardia di Finanza” and “Polizia di Stato e delle Comunicazioni” have been awarded for the fruitful collaboration and support provided during the two years of project duration.
The ILLBuster project has produced a video promo for the project. You can find it here.
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